What’s your name and role at ListenLoveLearn?
Drums and Music Technology Tutor
What age were you when you first started learning to play?
I originally started violin in middle school for a couple years,
but I dropped and broke it so couldn’t continue!
Then moved to piano but got bored.
Then at 14, I started drums. A little late to the scene but passion
for the instrument got me learning fast.
Is there a particular song that you’re often asked by students to teach that gets stuck in your head?
If so, what is it?
Ahh, it’s always “Seven Nation Army” by White Stripes.
Everyone’s beginner song, fun and easy!
Would you rather be Batman or Spider-Man?
Spider-Man. He has actual powers right?
Is there something that everyone else seems to be able to do easily
that you secretly (ssssh!) find really difficult?
Whistle. Never been able to whistle,
even in now in my 30s, I still try on occasion but nothing comes out!