- A slightly reduced exam entry fee with no additional travel time or associated costs. For face to face exam entries students are normally assigned to their closest exam venue with a travel time of up to 60mins by car!
- For recorded exams you have opportunity to submit your exam material as soon as you are ready.
- You have the opportunity to share your recorded videos with your tutor for feedback before finalising and sending off!

- You’ll need to record your exam on a device either by yourself or with help from a friend or family member.
- For some students, the recording process may recreate a similar pressure to actually playing in front of an examiner.
- The recording and submission process may take some time and is likely to be longer than the duration of a face to face exam. Students may need to record the material more than once to make sure you’re happy that your recording is the best you can do and is a good reflection of their playing.
What do we think?
At ListenLoveLearn we’re a big fan of the flexibility that online or recorded exams can now offer students and parents. Over the last couple on years and since being introduced we’ve found that these options has inhibited some students’ progress as enabled them to prepare and submit material quicker – without working towards a fixed exam session or waiting for an exam date from the exam board!
All of the above means as tutors we’re able to move on quicker too as we’re not preparing students for assessments for any longer than necessary.

Thank you for taking the time to read our ListenLoveLearn blog.
If you’re interested in learning an instrument or starting to work towards Online or Recorded exams get please get in touch to arrange either a FREE virtual meet and greet or a FREE taster lesson!